Photos from Central Park New Year's Eve Midnight Run, Sagebrush Safari, Sea Otter Classic, Wildflower Triathlon, Big Bear races
It's midnight and I'm in Central Park with people in tutus... be afraid.
January in Hartshorne Woods, NJ. Carlos, Nadine and me.
Nadine and me. January '04, Hartshorne Woods, NJ.
Training with TNT for the Half-Iron. They said I should have a good bike, like a Cannondale. So I made one.
Sagebrush Safari Downhill Race, San Diego County.
Fr Ramón blesses my bikes with prayers and holy water (as you would a ship, to protect and bring back safely those who travel therein).
Stan, me and Jason. Practicing BMX in prep for Sea Otter.
Sea Otter Classic. Marla and me.
Laura, Lawrence and Rusty. Rusty and I both won our races!
Wildflower Triathlon team photo.
Wildflower Triathlon: don't do this in the race.
Wildflower Tri: Mile 54 on the bike - still going strong!
Wildflower Tri: I've just done 70 miles under my own power. You bet I'm gonna roar!
Gotta Thunder Downhill at Big Bear.
Columbia Triathlon: I can't believe my time - 30 min under last year's time. I take 3rd Most Improved Women.
Am Cup #2 at Big Bear. Downhill on the Summit Run.
My faithful steed, the Turner RFX.
The KHS - my dual slalom bike.