Our fundraising update letter for the Columbia Triathlon

Dear Family and Friends,      

Thanks go out to all of you who have sent us checks supporting Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and for the good wishes for our efforts in the Columbia Triathlon, taking place on May 18.

A photo of little Peyton, our honored patient, can be seen at: https://drexlernet.tripod.com/tnt_md.htm.

7 April 2003

Fund-raising progress


Thanks to your generous support, we are 3/4 of the way to our goal of $4000!

We are still accepting donations through the end of April.

If you haven’t had a chance yet to send a donation and you would like to, please go ahead.  If you want to use your credit card and not have to worry mailing us a check, you can either call or send us an email. We’ll need the amount, card type (Visa, MC, AmEx), card number, expiration date, and the name that appears on the card.

Checks should be made out to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

All donations are tax-deductible.

Training progress


SWIM:  Our training so far has gone quite well. Every Sunday evening we drive down to Baltimore, MD for a coached swim practice. The whole triathlon team meets at the Howard County YMCA and we take over the pool. The coach (Patti) has us warm up, then we do drills, then an “endurance set” or a "speed set".

BIKE:  Every Tuesday we've been meeting at a bike shop with some local cyclists from for a “spinning class”. We prop our bikes on immobilizers (“trainers”), put in a video tape, and go for a 50-minute spin. The guys at the bike shop have been very helpful. Now that the weather is warmer we go for a 20-mile ride outside once or twice a week.

RUN: Weather and time permitting, we run outside 3 miles twice a week, and 4 miles once a week (Tue - 3 miles, Thu - 4 miles, Sun - 3 miles). If it's rainy, we head to the Navy base to run on a treadmill.

Thanks again for all your support.

Please continue to help us make a difference in the lives of those stricken with blood-related cancers by remembering them in your prayers, donating to the cause, and encouraging others to do likewise.

 For more information, photos, and to check our progress, please see our website: https://drexlernet.tripod.com/ .

Warm regards,


Steve & Laura Drexler


Laura:  laura.drexler(at)usa.net                                                                Our website:  http://drexlernet.tripod.com 



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